Sai Baba Before Maha Samadhi

Sai Baba Maha Samadhi

Sai Baba Photo at Samadhi Mandir

Sai Baba Darshan

Samadhi Mandir

Making of Sai Baba Statue

Sai Baba At Dwarakamai with a child

Sai Baba Reading

Sai Baba Standing

Sai Sitting near Dhuni

Sai Baba Smiling

Sai Baba - Tolendi

Sai Baba At Dwarakamai

Sai Baba Photo at Dwarakamai

Sai Baba at Chavadi

Sai Baba Statue at Mylapore, Chennai

Shiridi Sai Baba Real Life Photos – Rare Original Pictures of Saibaba
See the Original Photos Of Shirdi Sai Baba Rare PhotographsThe above are some of the rare original Pictures of Shiridi Sai Baba when he was alive. The above are Real Life pictures of Saint of Shirdi Sai Baba.
tags : original saibaba photos, snaps, picutures, saibaba, rare photos, live photos of shiridi sai baba, shirdi sai baba, original photos, real life photos,real images of saibaba, sathguru , sachitananda sai baba, devotional pictures of saibaba
Shirdi Sai Baba’s Original and some rare photos are posted here:
1. Original photo of Shirdi Sai Baba
2. Original photo of Shirdi ke Sai Baba
3. Original Photo of Sai Baba
4. Sai Baba seen with the photo of Babaji
5. Sai baba captured reading a Book
6. Baba captured in Shirdi
7. Sai Baba used to sit on this STONE
8. Sai Baba used to sleep on this wooden chair
9 & 10. PAADUKA’s used by Shirdi SAI BABA
11. An original Tooth of Sai Baba is kept under this even today in Shirdi.
12. This is “GURUSTHAN”, under the Neem Tree
13. Samadhi of Shri Sai Baba (old photo), which was renovated later.
14. This last picture i got it online, when i was searching for “Baba miracles“:
A couple from Karnataka, had a 108 days of “Sai Chanting”(Deeksha ) and on the last day they performed “Homam” . Wonder!!! Sai baba made his presence during pooja performed by the family for 108 days.
They found “Sai Baba” present in the function. Actually these 4-pictures were captured using a ” Mobile ” , but the same was not be found in any of the video’s or photograph’s taken during the day.
They found “Sai Baba” present in the function. Actually these 4-pictures were captured using a ” Mobile ” , but the same was not be found in any of the video’s or photograph’s taken during the day.
15. This is a latest photo of “Miracles of SaiBaba”.
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Om Sai, Sri Sai, Jai Jai Sai !
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